This package is much smaller compared to the offical downloads from because unnecessary parts are stripped out. Furthermore, improvements have been made on the code, by adding features and fixing bugs. One of these features is full support for Graphics packages
Translations are available for:
Download the installer (see downloads) and put it in your home directory.
After the download has finished, start a terminal, and run
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Users can always set their preffered graphic packages in Settings => Settings. You can set the default graphic package in htdocs/include/config.php.
The best way to make a graphic package available is by placing it in the htdocs directory.
In these instructions, I'm using Ubuntu. The commands may differ for your distro. If you can't get it working, ask for help at the TWLan topic.
Because Linux is protected by directory permissions, you cannot download a package and place it in the htdocs directory directly. Instead, you have to start a terminal and run some commands. If you would like to install the Winter graphic package, run:
You can copy and paste this in your terminal, replace by the actual URL and by the actual file name.
If you get an error like bash: wget: command not found, run sudo apt-get install wget.
If you get an error like bash: unzip: command not found, run sudo apt-get install unzip.
By downloading these files, you agree with the terms of use. In short, you are not allowed to play or host TWLan online.